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Kindergarten Regular English Courses (K1–K3)



  • 沟通及语言能力

  • 读写能力

  • 个人、社交及情感发展

  • 推理及解难的能力

  • 创意思维

We follow the International Early Years Curriculum (IEYC) to design the course, which provides a holistic educational experience for your child to develop in the following areas:


  • communication and language

  • literacy

  • personal, social and emotional development

  • problem solving and reasoning

  • creativity



  • 通过与其他同学相处,学会与别人分享

  • 锻炼运用肌肉的能力,为日后书写打好基础

  • 学习不同功能的名词及动词

  • 教授句子开首语句,协助孩子建立以英语沟通的信心

K1 course

  • cope with working with other children and learn how to share

  • work on fine motor skills to prepare your child for handwriting

  • introduce nouns as a group of words that name things

  • teach individual words and sentence starters to help your child express themselves confidently



  • 提高书写技巧,为书写字母做准备

  • 学习A-Z的字母发音,有助于发展他们的早期阅读技巧

  • 学习不同功能的名词、动词及形容词

  • 通过展示与演讲建立英语会话的信心

  • 教授句子开首语句,协助孩子建立以英语沟通的信心

K2 course

  • improve handwriting skills and helps your child learn letter formation

  • teach and practise letter-sound association for letters A-Z to assist your child in early reading 

  • introduce nouns and adjectives as groups of words with different functions  

  • hold show and tell sessions in class to build self-confidence in speaking

  • teach individual words and sentence starters to help your child express themselves confidently


  • 学习组织句子的排序

  • 书写简单句子

  • 教授混音及分音,协助孩子阅读及串字

  • 教授更复杂的句子开首语句及词汇,协助孩子建立以英语沟通的信心

  • 学习其他英语词类,如形容词及介词

  • 透过展示与演讲活动,建立英语会话的信心


K3 course

  • work on word and sentence order

  • guide students in writing simple sentences

  • work on blending letter sounds and segmenting words to assist your child with reading and spelling

  • introduce more complex vocabulary and sentence starters to help your child express themselves confidently

  • introduce other parts of speech such as adjectives and prepositions 

  • hold show and tell sessions to build self-confidence when speaking

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