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    Business English Courses


Choose the most relevant course to enhance your performance, develop confidence and be one step closer to achieving your professional career goals.



  • 求职信及履历写作技巧

  • 面试技巧

  • 拓展人际关系

  • 商业会话

  • 电邮写作技巧

  • 商务会议

  • 商务演说

  • 数据分析

  • 谈判技巧

  • 商务案例分析

  • 创意方案建议

  • ​商务听力练习

  • 撰写电邮技巧



  • 人际沟通技巧



  • 演讲技巧




  • 卓越待客技巧



  • 语法基础


  • Better Emails

Writing effective emails gives you the ability to achieve goals and build good relationships with colleagues and clients. Learn how to plan, organise, write and edit your emails in order to communicate more effectively and enhance productivity at work. 

  • Interpersonal Communication Skills

Communicating with clients and colleagues in a more professional way helps to build trust and achieve better results. Learn about different communication styles and discover easy-to-use tools and techniques to adapt your style, build key relationships and achieve your career goals.

  • Success with Presentations

Presenting an idea in a persuasive and professional way can change the course of your career. Increase the quality of your work by learning how to plan, structure and deliver your presentation so that you can communicate your ideas persuasively and engage with your audience in a calm and confident manner.


  • Delivering Service Excellence

Develop the skills and behaviours necessary to exceed customer expectations. Learn how to map the customer journey and examine how it can be improved. Practice techniques that focus on proactively seeking out and understanding customers’ needs and expectations, aiding the management of customer complaints and recovery from service problems.

  • Grammar Foundations

Communicating accurately with stakeholders is key to projecting a professional image. Review the fundamentals of English grammar through interesting and informative learning activities designed to improve your accuracy. Build confidence through the increased precision and clarity of your written and spoken communication.

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