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Most of our teachers are from UK, USA and Canada. Our teachers are graduated from  universities in USA and UK. They all have English teaching experience and mainly come from English-speaking countries in UK, USA and Canada. We recruit faculty resources from Ivy League universities, Russell Group, the top 1% universities with triple crown certification, and prestigious universities in Canada.



  • 本科或硕士学历

  • 有至少超过三年的教授基础英语,商务英语,托福或雅思的教学经验

  • 有多年英语教学经验,能够在课程中更有效的传递教学信息

  • Bachelor or Master degree

  • Have at least more than three years of teaching experience in teaching basic English, business English, TOEFL or IELTS

  • Have years of English teaching experience, able to transmit teaching information more effectively in English courses


  • 专业教师团队,熟悉牛津教材教学大纲

  • 上课充满激情,超过3000小时教学经验

  • 活跃的教学方式,使学生在轻松的环境下,学习英语

  • Professional team of teachers, familiar with the syllabus of Oxford textbooks

  • Enthusiastic in class with more than 3000 hours of teaching experience

  • Active teaching methods enable students to learn English in a relaxed environment

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